Of all days on my birthday, Aug. 13th, we had our dr's appt to find if we were having a boy or girl. This was probably the most anticipated day of my life, at least up until that point. We went in and the tech looked for all the things she needed to and asked if we wanted to know the sex. We told her absolutely and she said "It is a female." I almost fell off that table. Everybody had me thinking boy, mind you my husband has been calling
her Eli the whole time, which was our boy name!
The appt was at 9:30, but we decided to tell everybody in person at 6:30 that night at Logan's. So at the beginning of the dinner we explained for everyone to pick a blue cookie if they thought it was a boy and pink for a girl, cute idea taken from our good friends Levi and Emily Elliott. Here is what everyone thought.
We think it's a girl! |
We think it's a boy!
After everyone made their pick we had Mama and Daddy open a present to reveal the sex to everyone...It's a girl!!
We did the same with TJ's family the next night!
If you don't know Jonathan, my bro n law, he's a little crazy! :)
And finally the diva herself- Kelsi Shianne!!