Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

Kelsi's Baby Dedication

Yesterday was Kelsi's baby dedication, along with a few other babies at our church. It was truly a beautiful day. We were surrounded by family and friends at the church and afterwards at Mama and Daddy's for lunch. Kelsi wore her eyelet dress, bonnet, and bib. I know she is mine, but I must say that she looked so adorable! Ms. Rochelle Talbert, who works with TJ, made her dress and bonnet. She gave it to us when Kelsi was born, and the timing worked out so that it fit perfectly. Mama, Daddy, and Shaye put a lot of work into making sure that everything was ready for everybody to get together at the house afterwards. One thing is for sure we, and especially Kelsi, are loved by many and so blessed to have such amazing family and friends. I say that so often it almost seems repetitive, but it is so true. One thing that I have learned teaching the babies that I do is that not everyone, actually very few people, are blessed with wonderful family and friends like I have been. Now that I am a mom and I have Kelsi I am so grateful that she will grow up surrounded by the unconditional love of her family and friends.

And speaking of such sweet family and friends...If you know me you know I am not much of a cryer. Well Diana, Rachel, and Morgan got me on Sunday. Diana called on Saturday to give us her well wishes for Sunday because they weren't going to be able to make it. Little did we know,any of us (including Shaye), that phone call was made from a hotel in Alex City, not from Mississippi! We were at the church and everybody was hugging us and talking to Kelsi and I turned around and there were Diana, Rachel, and Morgan! (And Kelly in spirit, though she was forced to be at the Big Star:). They rode all the way from Mississippi and went back in 2 days to see our sweet baby girl's dedication. Like I said she is one blessed little girl. We love you Grannie D, Aunt Rach and Morgan!

For everyone who came to the dedication, gave her sweet gifts, ate lunch with us, and who couldn't be there but were thinking of her- thank you and we love each and everyone of you! Here are a few, maybe more than a few, pictures from the dedication!

5 Generations: Grannie Susie- 97, Grannie Juanita- 75, Daddy- 55, Me- 27, Kelsi 8.5 months

My Baby Love

Very sneaky ;)

Aunt Liz

Aunt Ali (with Laura Kate coming soon) & Aunt Courtney (Olivia did not want to be in the picture. She was being a diva!)

 Train up a child in the way he (she) should go;
 even when he is old he (she) will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summer Ends and Fall Begins

Well, fall and football are among us! As summer comes to a close I wanted to share pictures of our little one from the last couple of months. She is changing and growing every day! Yesterday was my nephew Braxton's 1st birthday party. It literally seems like yesterday when I held him for the 1st time. When he was born I was about half way through my pregnancy with Kelsi, and I just could not wait for her to get here. Now she is 8 months old, and yesterday everybody kept reminding me that she will be having her 1st birthday in a few short months. I have to admit it makes my heart a little heavy. She is just growing so fast. But my Daddy is right when you have them that happens..they grow up...but there's something to look forward to with every stage like them telling you they love you and taking their first steps. When he put it that way I thought to myself well I guess I can handle if I get to hear her say, "I love you"! I hope everyone enjoys seeing pics of our little punkin. We are looking forward to her baby dedication next week, then her first holidays that are right around the corner!

These 2 adore each other!!

And she loves her Grammy too!

Kelsi and Daddy playing :)

She loves taking a bath with her rubber ducky and Nemo, of course!

This is what happens when Mommy leaves Kelsi with Daddy...They play Bama dress up!

So sweet

1st night sleeping all night in her crib

1st time playing at the park with Avery

Mommy's favorite part of every day

Daddy's little girl

1st time wearing a Bama outfit. We bought it at a Bama game when I was pregnant. RTR! (Yes, I have officially converted. We are meant to be a Bama family:)

This is how she eats...hands and feet straight out!

Braxton's 1st birthday party

Eating her 1st cupcake and ice cream (just a little!) at Braxton's party!