New things with Kelsi...She has learned to crawl! She was a late crawler, but she has definitely got the hang of it now. She is all over the place. She won't be still for a second. She loves to pull up on everything, and she has learned to balance with one hand. She also stands with her hands on the floor and her butt in the air, which is so funny! Kelsi hates sleep, and that is an understatement! She will fight sleep with everything in her. She has a total of 8 teeth now- 4 on bottom and 4 on top. She had her first ear infection, a double ear infection actually.
We also went to my cousin Megan's wedding in Kentucky. This was Kelsi's second trip to KY. On the first trip she did great because she was only 3 months old. I was really worried how she would do the second time because she had the ear infection, and she no longer likes to be in one place for too long. However, she was an angel all 8 1/2 hours up there and 8 1/2 hours back. This was Kelsi's first wedding. Everything was beautiful. Congrats to Megan and Mitchell!
Kelsi's first Halloween was a lot of fun! She "dressed up" as a fairy, and I must say she was the cutest fairy ever, complete with sparkly pink shoes, a wand,a tutu, a headband, and glittery wings! Instead of getting her in and out of the car a lot we went to Reeltown Church's first Candyland Festival. It was really neat. Kelsi couldn't do much, but we had fun walking around and visiting with everybody. I know that she will really enjoy all the activities in the next couple of years.

TJ and I often talk about how fast time has gone by since Kelsi was born. This time last year we were having showers and looking forward to Kelsi's arrival. We have so much to look forward to with Kelsi. We are so excited about her first Christmas and before we know it, in 2 short months, she will be one year old!