Today was a great day! My nephew, not from Shaye ;), but from my best friend Elizabeth, Braxton Lamar Bell, made his entrance into the world, and let me tell you he is a cutie! Weighing in at 8 lbs 8 oz, 21 in long, he is in perfect health and a true blessing from God. I am so glad that he is finally here and that he and his mommy are doing so well.
Today I realized that there is nothing quite like holding a newborn baby to make me wish the remaining 4 months of my pregnancy were over! Don't get me wrong being pregnant is a blessing and I haven't been through the most exciting parts yet, but today was a glimpse into what we will be experiencing in 4 months and I cannot wait!
Your comment on BB and holding him for the first time gave me goosebumps! There is nothing like holding your own child, and I cannot wait for you to have that day!