Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, November 19, 2010

Getting Closer by the Day

Well, I am almost 31 weeks along now, which means we will be in single digits in the amount of weeks til Lil' Bit gets here! I am so thankful for the 9 days I am about to have off of work. Being pregnant really does wear you out. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote. We had our church shower and my work shower, where we received oodles of precious gifts for Miss Kelsi. I haven't gotten it all organized just yet, but I plan to work on it while I am off next week. We have also been taking our birthing classes. Our last one is this Monday. The highlights were seeing a video of an actual birth and visiting the hospital to see the room where we will deliver and how all of that will work.

I am feeling Kelsi move all the time now. I never really felt the butterfly movements that a lot of women describe, or at least I didn't recognize them. Dr. Marnio told me not to worry that around 28 weeks I should start feeling movements that were more like kicks. He was right! Probably around that time I started to feel little kicks, and now she's going at it all the time. I love it though because it helps me to rest assured that she is doing just fine. I love to lay around and feel her kicking. There have been times where I have seen her kick through my belly- pretty neat! The last time we were at the doctor I was reading a magazine and had it propped on my belly. She kicked me hard and it made the magazine jump!

The last time we went to the doctor she measured 2 cm ahead. I still haven't gained any weight, with 2 months to go! That is a miracle within itself! We are going to the doctor every 2 weeks now and go again this Monday. Dr. Marino said he thinks she will be a big baby. I am hoping she won't be as big as me at 10lbs 4 1/2 oz, 23 in long! I am glad Thanksgiving is right around the corner, then Christmas, then baby! Life is so exciting right now and we are so blessed!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Blessing

Dear Kelsi,

It is your daddy....I would like to take this oppurtunity to tell you that I am very anxious to see you. I hope you are excited to see me as well. While I am excited about seeing you, I am also just as equally scared. I worry if I will be everything you need. Will I be able to answer every question or solve every problem that you come upon? Probably not, but I gaurantee I will love you and guide you along the way. I wish nothing but the best for you. I can't wait to see which of us you look like....I know you will be beautiful, especially if you look like your mother. Your mother was my blessing, and you are hers. I found myself tonight already planning a trip for us to go Disney World. You don't know what that is yet, but I promise you will know soon. I know your grandparents are excited to see you as well. You have no idea how spoiled you will be....and you probably are going to be catching bass that weigh more than you do. We are all looking forward to your arrival.

I am very anxious to see you.....Kelsi Shianne.....

I love you....
