Saturday night, January 8th, TJ and I went out to eat at Red Lobster and saw the movie Country Strong. We had a great time, came home, and settled in for bed as usual. I had become very accustomed to going to the restroom 24/7. So during the night I went to the restroom, and I will just say that I noticed things I never had before. I had read that when those things take place labor can be a few days away. So I woke TJ up and told him about it, and then we spent the early morning hours laying there worrying about it. In birthing class Nurse Julie told us that we could always call the labor and delivery floor if we thought we were going into labor. So I called and they told me that I likely was not going into labor and that what was happening was typical for where I was at in the pregnancy, 38 weeks.
Well, Sunday we decided to watch a movie. I was lying down and Mama had called and I was talking to her. I had been feeling a lot of pressure and I was quite uncomfortable. While I was talking to her and telling her about the things I was feeling I had to get up to go to the bathroom. TJ pulled me up and when I stood up to go to the bathroom a small gush of water came out. When I told Mama she said, “I’m taking a shower. We are on the way.” So I called labor and delivery back and they told me that sometimes the baby’s head can press down on your bladder and make you use the bathroom on yourself. I thought to myself I know that was not pee! So I called the doctor on call, which was Dr. Litsey. He called me back and I explained. He said, “Don’t eat or drink anything, just come on in.”
Upon arriving to the hospital around 5:00 p.m. I was quickly checked in to an observation room. The nurse did a test with a strip of paper that turns a different color if you have amniotic fluid leaking. She looked at it and said she didn’t think it had broken. So I told myself false alarm, get ready to go home. Well, Dr. Litsey came in and examined me and said, “The bag HAS broken.” To which my response was, “Did you say HAS broken?” He told us yes and that we were going to be admitted and he would finish breaking the bag. I asked, “So there’s no turning back after that, right?” His exact reply was, “You won’t be going home without a baby.”
So we got set up in the labor and delivery room. We met Paula, our nurse, and she explained what was to come. I wasn’t having contractions at this time…Then Dr. Litsey came in and finished breaking the bag. I would say about 15 minutes after that I started having contractions. It happened so fast that there wasn’t enough time for me to tell the nurse I needed the epidural an hour in advance. So began the worst pain I have ever felt. The best way I can describe it was if say Hulk and Superman both had the ends of my insides and were twisting them as hard as they possibly could.
I lost track of time, but TJ thinks that whole episode went on for about an hour. I kept saying that I thought I was supposed to get a break in between because before one could stop another would start. Mama and TJ soothed me through each one the best they could, but by the time the ant. got there I truly felt like I couldn’t do it anymore. However, he finally arrived and I still don’t understand why those guys take forever to get there, but within 15 minutes of getting the epidural the pain stopped. I was always afraid of getting the epidural, but to me that part was a walk in the park.
I lost track of time because I just felt so relieved that I wasn’t hurting anymore. Contractions came and went and I never felt a one. The dr. came in every few hours to check my progress. When we arrived at the hospital I was 3cm dilated. The next time he checked 4.5, then 8, then the next time he said I was ready to push. Pushing started at 12:50 a.m. It was tiring and a lot of work, but manageable, thanks to the miraculous epidural. TJ and Mama stayed back with me and encouraged me. The nurse was also super sweet and very encouraging. Around 3:00 a.m. Dr. Litsey came in and said he would give me about 20 more minutes if I could handle it and if she hadn’t crowned by then he would use the suction cup. For some reason I didn’t like the idea of him sucking her out, so I tried to push even harder and it worked. The dr came back in for the last few sets of pushes and the next thing I know he was pulling her out.
Then they laid her on my chest. She came out crying and with her eyes wide open. When they laid her on me I couldn’t help but cry and I started talking to her. She seemed to calm down a little. Although she was covered with white goo from head to toe she was the most beautiful and amazing miracle from God that I had ever laid my eyes on.
Kelsi Shianne Jeffares weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz and was 20 ¼ inches long. I had expected I would be a week late with a huge baby, but we ended up going 2 weeks early with a tiny baby. She is just perfect. I spent so many days wondering what she would look like and praying that she would be healthy and I would have a safe delivery, and God answered every one of those prayers.
Having your first born child is the most surreal feeling in the world. She is alomost 2 wks old now and I find myself just staring at her in amazement. It still hasn’t really sunk in. TJ has always known that the thing I wanted most in life was to be a mother. I can’t believe it’s here, but now it’s time to hang on for the crazy ride of parenthood. I’m going to try to take in every moment because so many people have told me that time flies by. So for now I will enjoy every feeding, diaper change, sound she makes, facial expression, yawn, etc. I am so grateful for this blessing from God.