Today our sweet baby girl is one year old!! It's unbelievable that it was a year ago when I got an unexpected surprise (2 weeks early) when TJ pulled me up off the couch! I had convinced myself that I would have a huge, late baby, like myself at 10 lbs 4 oz, but that was not the case at all.
When I hopped up off the couch I figured my water had broken. The nurses told me I had probably used the restroom when I called. I was thinking I'm pregnant, but I'm not crazy! I did not just use the bathroom! So to be sure I called the doctor, who then told me not to eat or drink and to come to right in. On January 9th we checked in before the ice storm came. I'll never forget going in to the hospital to be checked out. The nurse checked me and told me I'd probably be going home, but the doctor would have to make sure. Then Dr. Litsey came in and told me that my water actually had broken and we'd be headed up to a room so he could finish breaking my water. Out of shock I asked, "So there's no turning back after that?". (Of course there isn't!) But he kindly replied, "You won't be going home without a baby."...."You won't be going home without a baby". I'll never forget that as long as I live. TJ and I looked at each other like- Is this really happening right now??
The other night I went to see Allison, Nick, and Laura Kate at the hospital. When we rounded the corner on the 3rd floor January 9th came back to me. I remember when I was wheeled off the elevator and over to the nurse's station. I was so scared and nervous. I was also alone and couldn't wait for TJ to get back up there. Once we got into the room I was warned that about an hour before I thought I needed the epidural I should ask for it. Well the problem with that was I didn't know I needed it until I was about to crawl off the bed in pain! I've said it before and will probably say it a million times again- I have never been in so much pain! But God bless the person who came up with the epidural! God bless them literally. I don't see how anybody can do it without it. Labor progressed fairly quickly and with much pushing and about 11 hours or so later, Kelsi Shianne Jeffares came into the world.
If you know me you know I love kids, always have. When I was just a girl myself I kept the nursery at church as much as they would let me. I drug my little cousins around on my hip. I've babysat, taught Bible school, and now I'm a teacher. I love helping kids, but it has always been my dream to have children of my own.
Sometimes it's still hard to believe that I am the mother of such a precious baby girl. We have stayed so busy the last year taking care of her that time has just flown by. It has been so much fun! Her first holiday was Valentine's Day, not that she could do much but lay there and melt our hearts! Then came Easter, and by then she started to liven up and was becoming more full of personality everyday. TJ and I celebrated our first Father's Day and Mother's Day. Next was Halloween. We took our adoarble fairy to Candyland at FBCR. We also carved a jack-o-lantern with 2 teeth on the bottom just like Kelsi had at that time. Thanksgiving Day was spent at Grannie Susie's and then that night the Baker family went to Dauphin Island for a few days. Aunt Liz made Kelsi a precious hand stitched shirt with a turkey on it! Then came Kelsi's first Christmas! She had a different Christmas dress to wear to church every Sunday in December! I loved dressing her up, if only I could get her to keep her headbands on that almost bald little head! We had Christmas at Grannie Susie's, with Diana and the girls, with the Baker family, with Mama, Daddy, & Shaye, and with TJ's side of the family. Needless to say Kelsi got all sorts of goodies and we had such a good time with her. Christmas morning we woke up with her and opened her presents. Every time I gave her one she would crawl off. She wasn't that interested in the presents, but now she loves playing with them. Today, on her birthday, we are looking forward to going out to eat tonight and her owl themed ("Look Whoo's Turning 1!) party this weekend, January 15th. I've had such a great time getting ready for her party. She may not understand everything that's going on, but one day she can look at the pictures and watch the videos.
This has been by the far the best year of my life! I have never loved someone so much. I can barely stand to be away from her when she spends the night with Mama and Daddy. When we pick her up she gets so excited to see us. She is the sweetest thing. I can't wait to see what the next year will bring with our little angel!
Birthday party pictures coming soon!!
A few milestones: Kelsi has about 12 teeth now, a mouth full! She is crawling very quickly and pulls up on everything. She stands up for a minute or so without grabbing on to anything. She can walk from one piece of furniture to the next, but she hasn't started walking completely yet. She is the master of facial expressions! She makes so many funny faces! Sometimes she frowns and pokes her lip out. She does the "big eyes" where she looks surprised. She also has that little smile that's a perfect fit for her pleasant little personality.
Here are a lot of pictures that I need to catch up on!
Happy birthday Kelsi Shianne! Mommy and Daddy love you tons!!
Kelsi and the jack-o-lantern both have 2 bottom teeth! |
The precious turkey shirt Aunt Liz made Kelsi! |
The North Face coat Aunt Rachel got Kelsi! She and Uncle Shaye also got her some red glittery Toms! |
I just love this picture! |
TJ's side of the family |
Kelsi with all of her Santa gifts! |
After church on Christmas morning |
She loved playing in the wrapping paper! |
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